Minneapolis Backyard

So, what is a Pond Consultation?

Learning is the only thing the mind never exhaust, never fears, and never regret
— Leonardo Da Vinci

Leo as his friends would call him is regarded as quite the Renaissance Man, of course he was born during The Renaissance so it’s not surprising.  Kidding aside, what does Leonardo Da Vinci have to do with ponds in Minneapolis?  It’s all about learning, it’s all about doing better.  Our goal is for you to fully understand your water feature which will in turn lead to more enjoyment.


It’s not unusual to get a call from a frustrated new homeowner with a question about a water feature they’ve inherited.  They are looking for answers and oftentimes do not even know the questions to ask.  Can this be handled on the phone?  Yes, however being on site to see the water feature and to answer questions is always the best options.  Therefore, DIWhy offers evening on site pond consultations. 

A pond consultation runs approximately one hour, and we teach homeowners about basics of maintaining the water feature.  The consultation will cover filtration, aeration, water plants, fish, biological additives, how to improve the water feature, pest control and so much more.  Our goal is to provide everyone with the resources needed to care for their water feature and thus maximize the enjoyment.  The cost of a one-hour evening pond consultation is $100, but here is the kick, if there are improvements or repairs needed and you hire DIWhy to resolve these issues DIWhy will take the $100 consultation fee off that price (minimum $400 of work).


DIWhy services the entire metro area of The Twin Cities and The Twin Ports and we have worked on hundreds of water features.  Our experience comes from not only working in the field but also through workshops and networking with other pond contractors and pond suppliers and problem solving with some of the best…in the business.  We’d like to share this knowledge with you so you can enjoy your pond and the water garden hobby. 

The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding
— Leonardo Da Vinci

Stressless Oasis


Pond care can be a labor of love.  CAN BE.  It takes desire, time and knowledge to keep a water feature a healthy functioning ecosystem.  Keeping a pond in balance using the pond’s designed filtration (whether natural or mechanical) with water plants, fish and biological additives can be a delicate task. Many homeowners revel in this task and water gardening provides a great way to enjoy the outdoors and to relieve stress.  However, for others their pond becomes a source of frustration.  Keeping that oasis beautiful now becomes a summer chore.  That’s where DIWhy comes in.  Starting in April 2020 DIWhy will offer Seasonal Maintenance Contracts!

How does a Seasonal Maintenance Contract work?  Every other week a DIWhy employee will be out to complete the following tasks:

·       Clean skimmer box net/basket/filters/brushes and pump 

·       Fertilize and trim and water plants

·       Change light bulbs

·       Add biological additives such as algicide, barley extract and beneficial bacteria

·       Weed along the peripheral of water feature

·       Adjust auto fill and/or pump auto shutoff

·       Net any floating debris

·       Visually inspect the water feature and make repairs if needed

·       Feed fish


Our maintenance visits begin after the Spring Cleanout & Start Up and run all season until the water feature is shutdown the last week of October.  So why choose DIWhy?  We are a full-service pond contractor that focuses on one thing, water features.  We build, repair and maintain water features and this has given us extensive knowledge in all aspects of water gardening.  We’ve worked with ornate fountains, bubbling boulders, pondless water features, small to large ponds, cement ponds, natural water filtration, mechanical filtration, uv filtration and so much more!  

So, what does it cost?  Each maintenance visit is $89.  The only other cost is the product (pond chemicals, light bulbs and so forth).  Large repairs are billed separately, and consent is given by homeowner prior to beginning the work.

Contact DIWhy for a Seasonal Maintenance Contract and transform your feature into a stressless oasis today!  Imagine stepping out your door and walking over to your water feature and simply enjoying the sights and sounds of the running water, the beauty of the water plants and the colors of the koi without adding to your to-do-list.

4 Winter Tips for Your Minneapolis Outdoor Plants

The first chilly days of winter are here for us Minnesotans. If you have outdoor plants in Minneapolis, it’s important to find ways to protect them as the snow falls. Some plants might be able to come inside during the winter, but what should you do for plants that have to stay outdoors, such as bushes and small trees? Here are some of our tips on how to keep your plants safe during the winter.



Making and laying down mulch is a great way to protect your outdoor plants over the winter. Mulch made of ground up organic materials, such as leaves and grass, make a great barrier between your plants and the winter air. It regulates the temperature of the ground and has great nutrients for the plants to use. It’s easy to make the right mulch and spread it over your garden bed and your plants. Remember to keep adding more as needed throughout the winter if you can.


Some shrubs and bushes will do better over the winter if they are covered with a simple cloth or blanket. The coverings will protect your outdoor plants from the wind and harsh weather. If you want to provide these plants with extra insulation, place mulch around the plants before covering them to keep them healthy over the winter. Coverings can also help with smaller trees that have more vulnerable tree trunks.


Digging up bulbs

For plants that have bulbs, like cannas and dahlias, bulbs should be dug up and placed in pots over the winter to be ready for planting in the spring. Because most plants with bulbs are more common in warmer places, they will not survive over the winter.


Pruning, or thinning out dead branches, makes it easier in the spring for your plants to grow in and look great. It is easier to do when it is dry and not bitter cold. Be sure to thin out your bushes and small trees before it gets too cold.

With this guide, we hope your plants will be happy and healthy throughout the winter and into next spring. If you want to sit back and relax and have the professionals take care of your backyard ponds and plants, contact us to learn more about how you can DIWhy it instead of DIY it.